Portraits: How I See Faces

I am autistic. I don't understand how anyone can see a whole face at once. People say to look people in the eyes when they speak, but which eye do you focus on? How can you look in both eyes at once?

When I picture a person, I see their hair and overall face shape, but not the detail of their eyes or mouth. If I think about their eyes or mouth, then I can picture them in detail, but not in the rest of their face. When someone speaks, I watch their mouth most of the time.

So, if I draw a portrait, it is a composite of the different face parts that I see. I wanted to depict this in these portraits. I have no idea how to view someone any differently. People are a sum of their detailed parts. This can make it hard for me to recognise people.


How I see faces: nosnhoj sirob

How I see faces: nosnhoj sirob

A3 Landscape

Fine Liner
How I see faces: 4 ega bocaj

How I see faces: 4 ega bocaj

76cm x 51cm Canvas
